There’s never been a better time for the average person with an average income to start investing. Why? Two reasons:

  1. The Internet and advances in technology have resulted in the availability of easy to use and free investing platforms.
  2. Changes in regulation and the rise of crowdsourcing has resulted in investment opportunities previously only available to accredited investors (i.e crazy rich people) now being available to everybody.

Am I mad? Yes, maybe, a little bit, but aren’t we all. So please consult with a financial advisor or do your own research before trying anything you see here. If you lose all your money by investing based on something you see here and try to sue me, insanity will be my defense.

How is this blog different from every other investment blog out there?

In this blog, I am sharing my personal experience and opinions on the investment options and platforms out there that I have personally tried investing my own money. I am not a financial advisor or somebody who has any background in finance. I do have a financial advisor (I am mad but not stupid) who keeps me from doing anything that’s totally batshit crazy. The blogs that you see here are not in depth reviews. There are many awesome investments blogs out there written by people less mad than me, so I have not duplicated that. What you will find is a practical, straight to the point guide and examples which you can tweak based on your preferences, risk tolerance, and incorporate into your investment strategy.

I will also provide updates periodically to show performance over time. This will be a great way to gauge what is working and what is not.

What I look for when choosing an investment platform

  1. When reviewing an investment platform there’s a few things I look for.
  2. I have a bias towards platforms that are free and charge no fees. I have no problem with fees for good service, however, the trend we see is free for investors with companies able to generate revenue from other sources
  3. High emphasis on easy to use platforms with a great user experience on both web and mobile platforms
  4. Available for non-accredited investors
  5. Low minimums to start investing
  6. I will also be on the lookout for alternative invest options beyond stocks and ETFs
  7. Occasionally I will try out investment options and blog about it. When I do I will make it clear that I am simply trying something that’s new and interesting with a small investment to see how it performs over time

Affiliate Links

The blogs will contain affiliate links, which means I may receive commissions when you click these links, at no cost to you (sometimes you may also get something in return). Please understand that I have experience with all of these companies (as in I have invested my own money), and I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you sign up. You can read my disclaimer and privacy policy for more info.

A Bit More About Me

My background is in technology and I do have a day job in IT/technology management. When I am not working or blogging, I enjoy spending time with my amazing wife (who is not amused by my hair brained investment ideas), 3 year old son who seems to have inherited my weird sense of humor and two 120 lb golden retrievers who think they are lap dogs. I dabble in homebrewing, but lately been doing less brewing and more drinking beer.

I hope you find this blog useful or amusing (hopefully both). Please do comment and share your thoughts on the blogs. If you would like me to blog about a new investing platform or guest blog or advertise or anything else, please do get in touch.